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Color classification

[double-layer patch to warm the palace] mi xing + skin color + lotus root powder
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] skin color + black + purple
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] skin color three pack
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] mi xing + skin color + black
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] purple + lotus root powder + rice apricot
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] big red and purple package (red + purple + skin color)
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] good luck in the new year red three-pack
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] black three-pack
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] White pack of three
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] purple three-pack
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] bright red + skin color + black
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] big red + lotus root powder + rice apricot
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] dark green + rice apricot + skin color
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] lotus root powder + bright red + dark green
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] bright red + skin color + rice apricot
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] mi xing + skin color + lotus root powder + purple
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] mi xing + skin color + lotus root powder + red
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] mi xing + skin color + lotus root powder + black
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] mi xing + skin color + lotus root powder + dark green
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] mi xing + skin color + lotus root powder + White
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] mi xing + skin color + purple + red
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] mi xing + skin color + purple + dark green
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] mi xing + skin color + purple + White
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] mi xing + skin color + purple + black
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] mi xing + skin color + red + dark green
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] mi xing + skin color + red + black
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] mi xing + skin color + red + White
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] mi xing + skin color + dark green + black
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] mi xing + skin color + dark green + White
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] lotus root powder + purple + red + dark green
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] lotus root powder + purple + red + black
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] lotus root powder + purple + red + White
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] lotus root powder + purple + dark green + black
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] lotus root powder + purple + dark green + White
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] red + dark green + black + White
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] red + dark green + black + rice apricot
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] red + dark green + black + lotus root powder
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] red + dark green + black + skin color
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] dark green + black + White + rice apricot
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] dark green + black + White + skin color
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] dark green + black + White + lotus root powder
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] dark green + black + White + purple
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] mi xing + mi xing + skin color + skin color
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] rice apricot + rice apricot + lotus root starch + lotus root starch
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] mi xing + mi xing + purple + purple
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] mi xing + mi xing + red + red
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] mi xing + mi xing + dark green + dark green
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] mi xing + mi xing + black + black
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] mi xing+mi xing+ White+ White
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] skin color + skin color + lotus root powder + lotus root powder
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] skin color + skin color + purple + purple
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] skin color + skin color + red + red
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] skin color + skin color + dark green + dark green
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] skin color + skin color + black + black
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] skin color + skin color + White + White
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] lotus root powder + lotus root powder + purple + purple
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] lotus root powder + lotus root powder + red + red
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] lotus root powder + lotus root powder + dark green + dark green
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] lotus root powder + lotus root powder + black + black
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] lotus root powder + lotus root powder + White + White
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] purple + purple + red + red
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] purple + purple + dark green + dark green
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] purple + purple + black + black
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] purple + purple + White + White
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] red + red + dark green + dark green
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] red + red + black + black
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] red + red + White + White
[double-layer patch to warm the palace] black+black+ White+ White
